Create a headline for an article about this program targeted to graduating high school students. I am specifically not telling you what to do or the questions that need to be asked. Please explain what you did, why and any other reasons/justifications you need to provide to me for the headline you created. (6 Marks)
Step into Success: St. Clair College’s Premier Advertising Program Awaits!
I used ChatGPT to help in generating an effective headline for an article about the Advertising and Marketing program that targets graduating high school students. My prompts at first were very general and didn’t provide the best results. I entered a few prompts before I found a “base” that would work for all of my prompts and generate results that accurately represent the program. This included using the program overview from the St. Clair website in my prompts rather than just saying “the advertising and marketing program at St. Clair College”. This helped my prompts in generating results that were more specifically tailored to the program. I also had to make suggestions for the headlines generated from ChatGPT even with my revised prompt to end up with my final headline. After generating several results with the same “base” prompt that included different specific details, I developed a prompt with my desired details and it was able to generate a strong result after one correction.
This headline concisely gets the message across and uses very simple language that would be easy for a graduating high school student to read and understand. It also grabs their attention by including “step into success” — graduating high school students are in a very stressful time of their life and seeing something that mentions stepping into success could be encouraging for them to read.
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